Healthy Hygienic Concrete Flooring During COVID-19

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Concrete Flooring – Healthy and Hygienic

Now more than ever, it’s imperative we do what we can to boost our immune system during COVID-19. Indoor air pollution is the cause of about 50% of illnesses. Common sources of indoor air pollution include outgassing from toxic paints and finishes, carpeting, manufactured wood products containing glues high in formaldehyde, dust mites, mold spores, mildew, and some cleaning products.

Concrete flooring is recognized for its strong environmental benefits as well as contribution to physical health. Concrete flooring not only looks fantastic, but it actually reduces exposure to nasty toxins, making it easier to breathe. Thanks in large part to the advances in concrete flooring product formulas, low VOC concrete flooring contributes to clean indoor air quality.

How Polished Concrete Creates a Healthier Indoor Living Environment.

  • Enjoy Allergy Relief
    • When it comes to allergies, carpeting can be one of the biggest contributors to allergies because it’s difficult to keep clean and often becomes a haven for dust mites, pollen and other allergens. Concrete floors don’t trap allergens and are easy to clean.
  • Improve Indoor Air Quality
    • Exposure to toxic mold in buildings has been blamed for ailments ranging from headaches to severe respiratory infections and immune system disorders. Mold can thrive on any organic material, especially in warm, moist, humid conditions.
    • Synthetic carpeting can emit volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, as can some of the products that accompany carpet installation, such as adhesives and padding.
    • Some of the adhesives used under vinyl sheet goods and linoleum can also emit VOCs.
    • Concrete floors don’t support the growth of mold, mildew and other hungry microorganisms.
  • Say Goodbye To Air-Blown Dust
    • Polished concrete floors are also ideal for use with energy-efficient radiant in-floor heating systems. When spaces are heated with in-floor radiant heating, no air is being blown around, as with forced-air systems, so no dust or dirt gets recirculated into the air.
  • No More Exposure to Toxic Chemicals
    • Polished concrete floors are toxic-free because they aren’t treated with chemicals or sealers that can emit harmful VOCs. They also are easy to maintain and require only periodic sweeping or wet mopping with mild, non-toxic detergents. Even medical facilities are installing concrete floors because they have no ill effects on indoor air quality.

Healthy, Biodegradable Concrete Flooring Cleaning Products

Custom Concrete Prep and Polish proudly uses the Consolideck® Flooring System by PROSOCO. PROSOCO has made a name for itself as a pioneer in the chemical construction industry. PROSOCO led the finished concrete flooring industry with its launch of Consolideck products nearly a decade ago. One of their many first-to-market innovations is a lithium-silicate densifier and a guard for concrete floors.

PROSOCO’s Consolideck products are also the first (and currently only) concrete flooring products to achieve industry-leading labels in material health. The company has worked with designers, building scientists, contractors, and leading green building rating systems.

CreteClean Plus with Scar Guard is designed to clean and maintain concrete floors. It is formulated to clean densified and densified-polished concrete and enhances the floor while it is being cleaned. Unique proprietary ingredients, combined with Scar Guard technology, over time, can improve the performance of your concrete floor.

  • Ingredients are biodegradable and non-harmful to the environment.
  • Manufactured in an Eco Logo certified facility
  • Its high dilution rate means a reduction in energy, transportation, and product use.

Specifications >

Prosoco Consolideck Green Concrete Flooring

Custom Concrete Prep & Polish is closely monitoring the Coronavirus situation, particularly in locations where we have concrete flooring projects. Maintaining the safety of all employees, both our customers’ and ours, while providing the service our customers deserve, is our ultimate objective.​ Our installers always wear masks per OSHA guidelines, as well as gloves. They maintain 6ft distance when possible and minimize unnecessary contact with others on the sites.

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